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Fly Me To The ...Well, Anywhere At This Point, Really

Santorini photo by me.

November is gross. Fight me. 

Before I rediscovered Greece and fell in love with visiting it in the spring, November had always been my favorite month to travel. Not because November is such a beautiful month, but precisely because it is NOT. 

All the glorious leaves of October - gone. Blown away and crackling on the sidewalks.  The lovely slanting golden light turns to a sullen twilight at 4:30 or so in the afternoon.  And it's always so gray. At least where I'm from. All of which made it the perfect month to get outta Dodge and into some sunny somewhere like Thailand, the Cook Islands or Belize - or anywhere with palm trees, really. I'm easy that way.  So I did just that for many years.  The inability to get on a plane this November got me daydreaming about travel again, because, I mean...*gestures broadly all around*. Daydreaming is all most of us have got, right now.  And inevitably it brought me to the Greek islands.  Realizing I've been slacking in the content department here on the website, I thought, "Hey - let's do something Greek island-related". This is as much for me as for all of you, if I'm honest. So here's a new quiz! Test your knowledge of the Greek islands! There are only 6,000 of them (227 are inhabited), so it'll be a piece of cake! You got this, tiger! Stay safe, all. PLEASE fortheloveofallthat'sholy wear a mask and wash your hands. Take care of your sweet selves and everyone around you.  Warmly, Barbara


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