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Eat Like An Ancient Greek

Greeks and food go way back. And yes, I realize that statement seems ripped from the pages of DUH! Magazine, because don't all cultures and food go way back? Wouldn't they have to, or they'd know...die?

But there seem to be a handful or two of cultures around the world for whom food is practically a religion, and Greece is one of them. 

If you're Greek, or have ever sat at a dinner table with Greeks, you know what I'm talking about. Food is both serious business and a glorious sensual event. The laughter, the clinking glasses, the tearing of crusty bread and the appreciative murmurs over a well-made dish are as much a part of the experience as the actual food itself. 

Ancient writers - the Greek physician and polymath Galen, most particularly - set down detailed instructions and recipes that we still have to this day. Dude wrote a whole book called "On The Properties of Foodstuffs", including entire sections just on pastries, breads and cakes, which will bring us to why I'm writing this today. Mostly he wrote about how various foods affect the bodily "humours" and whatnot, but still, the way he lovingly nerds out on food makes me think that, if he were living today, many of us Greeks would probably enjoy hanging with him. Over meze, naturally.

Which brings me to our new recipe for The Most Important Meal of the Day. 

We have a delicious and ludicrously easy recipe for Teganitai, which is the ancient Greek version of the modern Tiganites, or Greek pancakes. They are quick, simple and made with stuff you likely already have on hand. This lovely breakfast comes right from Galen's writings!

I have made them twice this week, with various toppings, and it's been hard to choose a favorite. 

Please take a look and enjoy your new favorite breakfast, because it’s the weekend! And you know what that means!

Nothing. It means nothing because time has no meaning anymore.

But at least you'll be well-fed!




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